Now that we've got a little Lent mileage behind us, are you finding it a bit hard to keep your distance from those Godiva chocolates or tumbler of bourbon before dinner?
What seemed totally doable before Ash Wednesday often becomes serious drudgery particularly in the first few weeks of this season.
You might even be wondering if you can keep it up (if you haven't already fallen off of the wagon:).
So let me share a little secret that really helps when I'm struggling with my Lenten penances...
Look, outside of the specific days of fasting and abstinence, the Church doesn't require we give something up for Lent.
So why do we do it?
Think about it.
If you aren't willing to sacrifice for someone, you don't really love them.
Our penance shows God that we want to be like him, that we want to act in sacrificial, self-giving love.
Penance isn't just about self-discipline or self-improvement.
It's about making a gesture of love to our Creator.
It's about showing our willingness to sacrifice for him, just as he lovingly sacrificed himself for us.
Building on that theme, today's Sainthood Snippet is a clip from one of the courses in the Science of Sainthood program, entitled Introduction to the Virtues: Virtue & the Greatest Commandment.
It's a reflection on this very topic - and it might just help you make it through the next few weeks without reaching into the cupboard for some milk chocolate or your favorite bottle of spirits.
God bless,
P.S. There's still time to register for my FREE Lenten series on prayer! Click HERE to sign up now!