If I say "hermit", what's the first thing that comes to mind?
An ancient Desert Father wearing a burlap sack, nappy beard, living a life of self-denial in a remote cave?
Or maybe a medieval nun, enclosed in a cell attached to a church wall, only receiving food through a small window?
What would one look like in the 21st century?
They're kind of hard to picture because that's pretty much all we have of hermits these days - pictures.
Not anymore.
I've got one for you on the Art of Catholic podcast...and he's got some spiritual pearls to share with you.
After all, there's a deep knowledge and inexpressible sweetness in a life lived solely for God - and a deep wisdom that comes from being immersed in the Divine, all day every day.
But instead of having to go into the desert or monastery to hear their wisdom, you just have listen to this episode.
Announcing Our New (Old) Product!
Does your parish's wifi struggle to stream videos? Do you just love the old-school convenience of DVDs?
Well, you're in luck! The Group Starter Pack for Introduction to Real Prayer now includes a DVD of all the Video lessons & Guided Audio Meditations!
CLICK HERE to check it out and pre-order. (And shoot us an email to let us know which of our group studies we should create a DVD for next!)
My guest on the Art of Catholic, Father Wayne Sattler, lived as a diocesan hermit for several years in a secluded one-room cabin in North Dakota.
While there, his relationship with God deepened dramatically - and his insights into God's profound love for all of us are breathtakingly beautiful.
Tune in to our conversation as we discuss:
- How to distinguish the beginnings of contemplation from other forms of prayer
- What is the "suspension of the senses" in prayer (and how to distinguish it from sleep:)
- The role of silence and self-denial in developing a deeper relationship with God
- Why we shouldn't fear what St. John of the Cross calls the Dark Night
- How understanding the body-soul connection can enhance our spiritual life
- And much more!
Now, if you're thinking to yourself, Wait a minute! If he's a hermit, how is he being interviewed on a podcast...
...that's a great question - and as you'll discover from our conversation, after calling him to spend years as a hermit, God has a new mission for Father Sattler now - and it's one that you'll definitely want to hear about.
God bless!