How To Know If Your Spiritual Life is Healthy

art of catholic podcast blog video Jul 26, 2024

A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed on the EWTN radio show Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie about my discovery of the Catholic spiritual life a few years after I entered the Church.

As a brand new Catholic, I didn't yet understand the incredible spiritual patrimony that was ours.

But once I learned more about it...and began to practice it...that's when everything changed!

And it was such a powerful conversation that I'm sharing it with you on the Art of Catholic podcast.

You'll hear us talk about some of my story, as well as some spiritually crucial topics such as:

  • What a healthy interior life looks like for regular Catholics 
  • The importance of community in our spiritual journey
  • The absolute necessity of authentic meditation
  • The role of spiritual direction
  • Practical tips on how to deepen your prayer life

I'm so grateful to Jerry and Debbie and all the wonderful folks at EWTN for inviting me onto their show - and for graciously allowing me to share the episode with you on my podcast. 

If you want to hear a very practical discussion about how to make real spiritual progress, this episode is for you!

God bless!


P.S. Click the banner below to check out The Retreat at Heritage & book a spot at my retreat: "The Divine Whisper: Deeper Prayer & the Silent Embrace of God" from September 13 - 15, 2024. It's going to be beautiful!



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How To Know If Your Spiritual Life is Healthy

Jul 26, 2024