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"There is NOTHING like this in 'Catholic-land' online.”
Ever tried to convince an atheist that there's something... anything... after death?
Since they don't believe in God you obviously can't appeal to religious arguments.
But you know what really tends to open people's minds to the possibility of life after death?
The death of a loved one.
In a snippet from the Art of Catholic podcast, I share a very personal story from my own life with guest John Henry Crosby.
It's part of a discussion about Catholic philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand's powerful logic with regard to how the natural experience of the death of people we know can lead even the most hardcore non-believers to accept the concept of an afterlife.
After all, it's one thing to break a plate or television and throw it away.
It's an altogether different proposition when someone you love suddenly disappears.
God bless and enjoy!
P.S. Have you tried the Science of Sainthood for FREE? Check it out HERE!