9 Kids, Foreign Mission, & Peace in the Midst of Pain

art of catholic podcast blog podcast Oct 05, 2024

Surrendering to God’s will is hard.   

For most of us, it’s a lifelong struggle to learn to let go of our own plans and embrace God’s instead.  

But that struggle is crucial - because the more completely you’re able to abandon yourself to God’s will, the more peace you’ll find, no matter what your situation or circumstances.  

No one knows this better than my most recent podcast guest, Michael Henderson...(you're gonna love this guy).  

About ten years ago, Michael, his wife Veronica, and their (at the time) six, now nine (!!) beautiful children, discerned that God was calling them to a more radical surrender than most of us could ever imagine.  

They sold their comfortable house and belongings in the U.S. and moved to Mexico, and later to Taiwan, to spread the Faith, all the while relying solely on God’s providence for their livelihood.  

And boy, did God ever provide.  

Their story is one of miracle after miracle, conversion after conversion, and an ever-deepening, radical trust in God to “take care of everything,” as the Surrender Novena puts it.  

In this podcast, Michael shares stories like:   

  • How God used a Taekwondo gym in the middle of Mexico to transform local families   
  • The day his family arrived in Taiwan with no housing lined up, no money in their pocket, and his wife 2 months postpartum with their 7th child - and how God instantly provided for their every need   
  • The very serious recent family crisis that has brought them to an even deeper peace and reliance on God.  

I have to say, personally, that this episode was an emotional one for me.  

In fact, I'll give you just 3 minutes of listening before your jaw hits the ground.  

The beauty of this family’s joy in every circumstance is undeniable, and I am honored to have had the opportunity to meet and become friends with Michael.   

I hope this podcast moves you as deeply as it did me.

God bless!


P.S. Have you subscribed to my YouTube channel yet? That's where you'll find every Art of Catholic podcast episode!


9 Kids, Foreign Mission, & Peace in the Midst of Pain

Oct 05, 2024

Why Doesnā€™t God Answer My Prayer?

Aug 22, 2024