This series is a penetrating and dynamic exploration of the classic grades of prayer from the Doctor of Prayer, St. Teresa of Avila. Beginning with the basics, it illuminates vocal, meditative, and contemplative prayer as the path to union with God.
Like a thrilling drama, it intensifies as it progresses, until it finally culminates in the ecstatic union with God for which every one of us is made.
This study is a "must" for any Catholic who wants to understand what Christ himself calls the "one thing necessary" in Luke 10.
And very few people can match Matthew Leonard's ability to clearly explain to regular Catholics the beauty and depth of St. Teresa's incredible teaching.
Number of Lessons - 14 | Lesson Length - 15 Minutes
"Matthew is possibly the finest speaker on the spiritual life out there these days."
“WOW, only Matthew Leonard can explain so simply what is infused prayer."

St. Teresa of Avila's 9 Grades of Prayer
Individual Course
One Year Streaming Access to the Video Study
Beautiful Print Workbook
24/7 Desktop & Mobile App Access
"Each lesson was a gem!"
Can't Easily Get Printed Workbooks?
We've Got Purely Digital Individual Courses, Too!
Perfect for people outside the U.S. (or those who prefer digital).

St. Teresa of Avila's 9 Grades of Prayer
Digital Individual Course
One Year Streaming Access to the Video Study
Interactive Digital Workbook (take notes, journal, & answer questions right in the document)
24/7 Desktop & Mobile Access
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