Our Lady in the Life of Grace
Watch Free Lesson: Theotokos & the Life of Grace
Our Lady in the Life of Grace
In three beautiful presentations, Matthew Leonard explores and explains the role of Mary as Mediatrix and Co-redemptix.
Many Catholics (not to mention Protestant Separated Brethren) misunderstand this powerful teaching of the Catholic faith and so lose out on a huge source of grace.
"Matthew Leonard is an incredibly talented effective teacher... These lessons are made very easy to grasp. I am a cradle Catholic and I’m totally immersed in the words of these programs!"
Lesson Titles
Each video is approximately 11-13 minutes long.
Lesson 1: Theotokos & the Life of Grace
Lesson 2: Two Reasons for Mary's Role as Mediatrix
Lesson 3: Our Role in Redemption with Mary
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